Friday, July 27, 2012

What's in a voice?

Zombies. Wizards. Fight to the death tournaments. Those are my things. Also, SUPERHEROES. I love them.
I recently went to go see dark knight rises ((there are no spoilers in this post I promise so continue to read if you please)). Amazing movie. Awesome action scenes. Awesome and scary somewhat believable plot.
A handful of absolutely gorgeous ladies. And...Christian Bale...need I say more. NO.
We are thrown into the action of this movie almost immediately which I loved! Got my attention right away.
We are also introduced to the "villain" right away. Bane.
Now I'm not a huge fan of Batman, my loyalties lie with Spiderman and Iron man ((swoon)). So I don't know the WHOLE story of Bane. The entire time
I am watching this movie I am thinking to myself, "there is no way in hell this guy is a HUMAN."
This "villain" was everything you don't want to see in your nightmares. Big. Scary. Intimidating. He walks around with what looks like predators
jaws strapped across his mouth. He looks like he would win a fist fight with a freight train.
So when he opened his jaws to speak...I was flabbergasted. I was expecting a booming that chilled my spine and gave me nightmares. But what I got
instead was along the lines of an old British ((?)) mans voice. My fear of Bane eased up a little and some laughter took its place. How in the
HELL was this man to be taken seriously ((until he threw a 30lb fist at your face))?
I half expected him to offer Batman a cup of tea. As soon as he spoke all I could do was close my eyes and picture him reading a children's book.
There is so much to a voice, this is not the first time I noticed this...ever hear David Beckham speak?
Hot man.
Soccer star.
Sounds like Minnie Mouse.

Good looking dude ((when not Bane))
Awesomely evil villain.
Sounds like he should narrating a show on the history channel.

I DO however give the entire movie a 8//10! And definitely plan on taking Matthew to see it as soon as he gets home!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I had a question for you about possibly collaborating on something and was hoping you could email me back to discuss? Thanks so much!

    - Emma

    emmabanks9 (at) gmail (dot) com
