Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The joys of distance

Oh distance.
An unwanted pain in my backside.
No matter how comfortable I get to my husband being back home.
Loves to weasel it's way back into my life.
Some girls have stalkers. Others have crazy ex boyfriends.
Nope I have distance.
And a crazy ex too.
BUT THAT is not important.
My husband is gone yet again.
But I do not want to bore you with my sad love story and blah blah blah.
I would rather tell you the perks of him being gone.

I have an entire 2 bedroom apartment to myself.
And the best part is! He took all his work stuff with him.
I haven't broken my toes on his boots in about a week now.
Such a relief that I don't have to constantly look down while walking to avoid the annoying boulders with shoe laces that he strategically places throughout my house.
My dirty laundry basket weighs about 10 lbs lighter!
I have  a vacation from NASTY work socks and PT clothes!
Speaking of PT clothes they aren't in their usual place behind the bathroom door where it takes me about a week and one AWFUL stench later to find them!
I haven't heard an acronym in a week!!
Or pricked my fingers on some chevrons he forgot to take off his blouse.
Being a Marine wife should come with a warning label!
May cause broken toes; broken backs; bloody fingers; stinky house and confused speech.

With all the hazards and bullsh*t being a Marine wife comes with.
I wouldn't change it.
Ok...I might ask for less broken toes and less distance.
But I mean who wouldn't.

1 comment:

  1. I would ask for less expensive clothes...the three outfits (new cammies) we've bought Matt this year cost more than all of the clothes in my closet, combined (well, practically, lol).
