Friday, July 27, 2012

What's in a voice?

Zombies. Wizards. Fight to the death tournaments. Those are my things. Also, SUPERHEROES. I love them.
I recently went to go see dark knight rises ((there are no spoilers in this post I promise so continue to read if you please)). Amazing movie. Awesome action scenes. Awesome and scary somewhat believable plot.
A handful of absolutely gorgeous ladies. And...Christian Bale...need I say more. NO.
We are thrown into the action of this movie almost immediately which I loved! Got my attention right away.
We are also introduced to the "villain" right away. Bane.
Now I'm not a huge fan of Batman, my loyalties lie with Spiderman and Iron man ((swoon)). So I don't know the WHOLE story of Bane. The entire time
I am watching this movie I am thinking to myself, "there is no way in hell this guy is a HUMAN."
This "villain" was everything you don't want to see in your nightmares. Big. Scary. Intimidating. He walks around with what looks like predators
jaws strapped across his mouth. He looks like he would win a fist fight with a freight train.
So when he opened his jaws to speak...I was flabbergasted. I was expecting a booming that chilled my spine and gave me nightmares. But what I got
instead was along the lines of an old British ((?)) mans voice. My fear of Bane eased up a little and some laughter took its place. How in the
HELL was this man to be taken seriously ((until he threw a 30lb fist at your face))?
I half expected him to offer Batman a cup of tea. As soon as he spoke all I could do was close my eyes and picture him reading a children's book.
There is so much to a voice, this is not the first time I noticed this...ever hear David Beckham speak?
Hot man.
Soccer star.
Sounds like Minnie Mouse.

Good looking dude ((when not Bane))
Awesomely evil villain.
Sounds like he should narrating a show on the history channel.

I DO however give the entire movie a 8//10! And definitely plan on taking Matthew to see it as soon as he gets home!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Another species CONQUERED

So continues and hopefully completes the series of ridiculous shenanigans to conspire while my husband is away. As you have been able to tell if it crawls and is gross I don't like it...lizards, bugs...INCLUDING cockroaches!! They're nasty, they make weird crunch noises when you step on them, and they grow HUGE out here on the island. There has to be some nuclear radiation explanation for how big these damn cockroaches get out here...and not only do they get big, they're ballsy! They fly right into your face hair or other face parts...adrenaline junky cockroaches.

Tonight I was minding my own business getting ready for bed and putting my puppies in their crates...I leave and re enter my room a whole 5 minutes later and see my big dog, Hades, staring at something moving on my wall...I follow his gaze. Low and behold. The god of all cockroaches. His antennae had antennae...his muscles were bigger than mine! And here he is just chillin on my wall. I let Hades out of his crate as his eyes on set on the monstrous creature...he runs to his bed in the living room and...back into his crate and falls asleep. And my vicious spuds could not aid me on this!! The cockroach would eat him whole. I had then come to the realization, I was...on my own.

I kept repeating "its just a bug" over and over in my head but nothing could have mentally prepared me for what was going to happen next.  I walk into my room guns ((broomstick)) a blazin' and hit the cockroach with my broom handle, only to completely miss it and have it fall into my laundry pile. I crawl onto my bed and realize my broomstick handle can reach the clothes pile!
I start separating the clothes to finally find the knows it has been spotted and heads for a sanctuary...Hades crate, the slumbering beast, Hades, knows his territory
has been invaded and pounces on the vile insect, to only come to the conclusion it's not worth it and goes back to sleep, a moment of hope, gone. The cockroach then scurries under my bed! Armed with my broomstick and my flashlight app, I am still to scared to confront the bug.

A hero walks through my door!! A friend of mine from back home, Devin, has been renting our 2nd bedroom out for the past 2 months, and he had just returned from work. I alert him of the situation at hand and he goes forth. While he is preparing for a mighty task I find the cockroach under my pillow (yuck I know) and it clambers up my wall in the perfect place for Devin to capture it in a cup and then release it over my balcony.

A part of me is thankful Devin was here instead of Matthew, only because Matt would have killed it. Devin released it...and who knows what would have happened with the death of the Cockroach god on my hands! Word would have gotten out to other cockroaches, and I don't think Spuds, Hades, or myself could handle that.

My special vicious monters(:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The lizard Queen and her noble companion

I am a woman who can deal with many things. I can even deal with things I am most terrified of. Heights? Sign me up for sky diving. Fish? Sign me up for snorkeling.
The one thing that I am terrified of that I cannot seem to deal with...lizards. My husband has become my hero over the years not only because he's freakin awesome but because he has battled many a lizard for me. Whether they are as big as my finger nail or as big as my forearm (no I am NOT exaggerating) he has always come forth with his trusty cup and newspaper and taken them away from his delicate lady.

There has only been one lizard incident in our new apartment and the culprit found it's way out through the screen door before facing the wrath of my knight and his plastic cup. The second incident happened just tonight. I was putting my tiny (and bravest dog) into his kennel for being naughty when I spotted right in front of my face  crawling up my wall a lizard about as big as
my pinky finger...I handled it quite well. I got a cup scooped him up and released him to his freedom outside and called it a night, proud of my courage and bravery.

If you really believe what I just told you then you don't know me very well. And considering that half of you DON'T know me very well...I will tell you what actually happened.

As i bent down to put spuds in his crate I spotted the lizard. Because of recent events (the murderer in the hall way for those of you who read my last blog) I have deemed my pug, the smallest dog, the bravest. So recalling how vicious he is, I thought he would like to have a go at the lizard resting on my wall. I show Spuds (my pug) the lizard...and set him down on the bed. He slowly paces
back and forth, back and forth...perhaps waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. Then it happened...

The lizard moved up the wall, to quick for me to notice but quick enough for Spuds to believe his life was in danger. Spuds reeled back and fell into my being so focused on the lizard this entire time, I did not have time to process what had happened and therefore think a giant lizard is attacking my face. In response to these events I push my pug away from my face and off the
bed and sprint towards the living room and jump onto my couch Spuds right behind me. I look around to find my big ferocious Hades fast asleep in his bed. Spuds races back into the room the avenge the fact that he had been made a fool. I see spuds jump onto the bed and scare the lizard so much that the lizard falls onto my bed...I tried to follow it with my eyes but 'twas lost.
Spuds lost the lizard and due to him being too eager I will now suffer loss of sleep due to there quite possibly being a lizard under my pillow.
Night all.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The joys of distance

Oh distance.
An unwanted pain in my backside.
No matter how comfortable I get to my husband being back home.
Loves to weasel it's way back into my life.
Some girls have stalkers. Others have crazy ex boyfriends.
Nope I have distance.
And a crazy ex too.
BUT THAT is not important.
My husband is gone yet again.
But I do not want to bore you with my sad love story and blah blah blah.
I would rather tell you the perks of him being gone.

I have an entire 2 bedroom apartment to myself.
And the best part is! He took all his work stuff with him.
I haven't broken my toes on his boots in about a week now.
Such a relief that I don't have to constantly look down while walking to avoid the annoying boulders with shoe laces that he strategically places throughout my house.
My dirty laundry basket weighs about 10 lbs lighter!
I have  a vacation from NASTY work socks and PT clothes!
Speaking of PT clothes they aren't in their usual place behind the bathroom door where it takes me about a week and one AWFUL stench later to find them!
I haven't heard an acronym in a week!!
Or pricked my fingers on some chevrons he forgot to take off his blouse.
Being a Marine wife should come with a warning label!
May cause broken toes; broken backs; bloody fingers; stinky house and confused speech.

With all the hazards and bullsh*t being a Marine wife comes with.
I wouldn't change it.
Ok...I might ask for less broken toes and less distance.
But I mean who wouldn't.